Business in Black and White provides a panoramic discussion of various initiatives that American presidents have supported to promote black business development in the United States. Many assume that U. Racial Democracy and the Black Metropolis.
How a black elite fighting racial discrimination reinforced class inequality in postwar America. To Serve the Living. As entrepreneurs in a largely segregated trade, they were among the few black individuals in any community who were economically independent and not beholden to the local white power.
Black Business in the Black Metropolis. WalkerExamining the evolution of a prominent Chicago insurance company, the author provides a rare glimpse into. John Hervey Wheeler was one of the civil rights movement's most influential leaders. In articulating a bold vision of regional prosperity grounded in full citizenship and economic power for African Americans, this banker, lawyer, and visionary would play a key role in the fight for racial and economic equality.
Compiles information and interpretations on the past years of African American history, containing essays on historical research aids, bibliographies, resources for womens' issues, and an accompanying CD-ROM providing bibliographical entries. The Rise of Chicago's Black Metropolis, During the Roaring '20s, African Americans rapidly transformed their Chicago into a "black metropolis.
Reed shows how African Americans. The Black Chicago Renaissance. Beginning in the s, Black Chicago experienced a cultural renaissance that lasted into the s and rivaled the cultural outpouring in the Harlem Renaissance of the s. The contributors to this volume analyze this prolific period of African American creativity in music, performance art, social science scholarship, and visual and.
Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton's study Black Metropolis. Utilizing a wide range of historical data, The Rise of Chicago's Black Metropolis, — delineates a web of dynamic social forces to shed light on black businesses and the establishment of a black professional class. The exquisitely researched volume draws on fictional and nonfictional accounts of the era, black community guides, mainstream and community newspapers, contemporary scholars and activists, and personal interviews.
Table of Contents. Cover Download Save contents. Title Page, Copyright Download Save contents. Contents Download Save contents. Acknowledgments pp. Introduction pp. Demography and Ethos pp. Image Plates Download Save contents. The Golden Decade of Black Business pp. Labor: Both Fat and Lean Years pp.
Transformed Religion and a Proliferation of Churches pp. Cultural and Aesthetic Expressions pp. Conclusion and Legacy pp.