Improve this question. Suibne Suibne 11 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. What platform are you on? Windows, Mac, Linux? Where did you download the browser from? I am running Vista Home Premium. I downloaded the browser from the official site and also from CNET; the icon that ended up on my desktop was identical in both cases and the same file size.
But when I clicked on it, nothing happened. Normally I'm able to download things and install them, I don't know any reason why I couldn't in this case — Suibne. Do you know how to run commands from inside cmd i. If so, can you try running the executable from there? An interesting observation is that only sometimes is the browser able to provide a preview of the type of file it is about to download:.
With some research with evilaliv3 it appears that the download fails when the Tor browser presents what I am going to call the downloadLoadingModal see figure 1. After a user accepts to download content, this failure does not present itself, indicating that the issue with the downloads is only temporary.
It is likely that the browser. Any issues with OrBot are worrying, but far aside our range to debug, as most of the application fails our end2end testing when running on Android platforms. Taipo if you continue you to encounter the failure, please provide more information here.
It instead disables the Open With UI seen here. Similar bug appears in Tor Browser for Android, but in this case I'm getting every time the "Download failed" error short after starting it, even if there is enough space.
Skip to content. A reboot of your system will solve the issue. Delete Tor Browser and install it again. If updating, do not just overwrite your previous Tor Browser files; ensure they are fully deleted beforehand. Edit this page - Give Feedback - Permalink. Tor Browser is based off of the Firefox project, and is very similar in most aspect to the regular Firefox browser. The big difference though, is that all traffic is routed through Tor.
This means you can be sure that your time spent browsing online is anonymous and safe. The Tor Project is an open source project that was created to help people browse the Internet safely.
This has been used in a wide variety of aplications, ranging from helping bypass firewalls in countries like China to ensuring safe communications between diplomats. But with the increasing pressure on everyone to keep basic online browsing private from markters, governments, and other snoops, it is starting to be more commonly used in everyday life for many people.
Download for macOS Signature. Download for Linux Signature. Download for Android. Read the latest release announcements. Select "Tor Network Settings" and "Use a bridge".