I had a difficult time following the story and accomplishing the tasks I had a hard time understanding what was said etc I think a spell check and a really good English editor could solve this problem. Still a fun series to play Have fun!!! Rated 3 out of 5 by blackfaerie11 from Probably didn't need to buy Collector's Edition Liked: The challenge- I had to look for help on level 21 on expert mode.
Graphics and sound were quality. I don't really care about story lines in these types of games so I was glad it was easy to skip through them. Disliked: After level 21 it was almost too easy; all of the challenging boards were up front. Towards the end I almost never had to reply a board. If I replayed a board I had to remember to re-click on collectibles which became tedious, and I didn't know what the point was- they virtually all looked the same. Rated 3 out of 5 by amminnc from Meh I love time management games and have enjoyed this series in the past.
This game, while offering good graphics, falls short. The storyline has been used many times before so nothing new. Some of the sense of it is lost in language translation. My biggest complaint is too much trial and error, rather than strategy. Spent too much time trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do and in which order. I know that's what time management games are all about, but this one doesn't seem to have any logic behind it.
Sad to say I'll pass on this one The Big Fish Guarantee: Quality tested and virus free. No ads, no adware, no spyware. Get the latest games, special offers, and more! Sign Up Today. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners. Elven Legend 4: The Incredible Journey Collector's Edition Queen Aerin meets a strange guest from another place and agrees to help him to save his world.
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Big Fish Casino. Android Games. Share on Facebook Tweet. PC Also available on Mac. Play Now Download the free trial This game will not work on your operating system. Are you sure you want to download this game? OK Cancel. If this is your first time downloading a game from Big Fish, our handy Game Manager app will install on your computer to help manage your games. Buy Now Get the full version This game will not work on your operating system.
Are you sure you want to purchase it? New Yankee 7: Deer Hunters. Buy this game, Get 3 Punches! Reviews at a Glance. Customer Reviews. Was happy to see all the 5 Stars. Don't have anything new to add as to how fun and challenging the game is but I do have a couple comments for the Devs: 1 Don't start the game immediately, start it when you click on a move to make.
This way you can plan an attack on the level. With those in mind I think the game would be near Perfect! Keep up the good work. Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by Downsrambler from Perfection What a perfect game for lock down!
This is definitely one I'll be playing over and over like all the others in this series. I could not find a single thing I didn't like about this game. For the person who asked previously, to get to the bonus levels you need to click on the castle at the top of the map! Rated 5 out of 5 by angelfish from A return to the top! The last NY game Deer Hunter was, in my opinion, not up to the standards set by other games in the series. I love the NY games but never finished the last one; it was just boring.
However I'm pleased to see a return to the top-notch game we know and love! Excellent graphics as usual; beautiful colours with crisp, clear details. Seamless game play with no issues; I see someone gave the game one star because they got a blank screen but I would suggest they re-install as mine works perfectly, The challenge remains the same throughout these games; you make it as easy or as hard as you want by choosing the mode to play in. I always play in relaxed mode first to get a feel for the game, then move on to normal mode to challenge myself.
Plenty of levels to work through, along with bonuses available during the main game. First one I played was 'Battleships' but not played the others yet.
The characters remain consistent throughout the series but with some new additions to give the game a slightly different feel. This time you have a green elf that can move very heavy items after a boost from a potion made by Mary.
Max the dog is also back to bark at strange creatures that appear during the night. Journey Greatest Hits Crucifyxae Journey Greatest Hits [ mp3 vbr] Journey Greatest Hits Live por nanocruzh Journey Greatest Hits Live Your password must be a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of characters, without spaces. There was a problem when you tried to sign up. Please try again. We are experiencing some technical issues, please try again in a few minutes.
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