Latest pip version downloaded but not usable

If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages. Warning Some features may not work without JavaScript. Please try enabling it if you encounter problems. Search PyPI Search. Latest version Released: Aug 13, Navigation Project description Release history Download files. Maintainers edouard. An index file is a csv-like pipe separated file that contains the following information: Company name eg.

Open your terminal inside that directory and run python run. Stitch quarterly files to a master file python-edgar does only one thing and does it well: getting and cleaning uncompressed quarterly index files to your computer.

It's not sorted but that's easy to do hint: Look into the sort command Grab filings from a specific company Now that we have downloaded the index files it becomes easy, with a bit of command line scripting, to quickly filter by company and extract URLs to the filings we want with grep. Download files Download the file for your platform. Permanent Fix pip install --upgrade pip --trusted-host pypi. Devesh Sharma Devesh Sharma 9 9 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges.

Do not try this solution, it uninstall pip and even made I unable to reinstall pip — Weilory. Weilory Weilory 1, 8 8 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. After lot of searching finally this did it. Try with mobile hotspot or something if you have wi-fi adapter which also works for me.

This still failed for me on Mac Mojave. I tried all the --trusted-host and --cert options and pip will not work. I tried to upgrade pip and got the SSL error. I installed pip from scratch with curl and still I get the error when I run pip. Time to ditch pip and stick to conda : — user Alex Fortin Alex Fortin 1, 1 1 gold badge 16 16 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges. Looks like the pip user-guide has been updated since when I posted this answer.

I updated my answer for macOS. Does it help? Does not fix the problem on MacOSX. I am on macOS. If you installed python3 using brew then make sure you are using pip3 and create the pip. I worked for me. You saved my life. I also suspect NetSkope is the culprit. After so many attempts, this one save my day. Set Time and Date correct! Google's time: Ref. Thomas Devoogdt Thomas Devoogdt 10 10 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Been driving me crazy for hours -- thanks for that. The PI time was off by days for me causing it would appear all kinds of errors during pip install.

Ross Peoples Ross Peoples 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Same issue here. Another workaround is to export the company's root cert as a file and tell pip to use it with --cert MyCompanyRootCA. Augusto Destrero Augusto Destrero 3, 17 17 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges. I was expecting your suggestion to work. Ok, so another workaround is downloading the tar.

But if the package you want to install has dependencies you have to download and install also all dependencies, if they are many this could become a nightmare. For me, i had to download the whl for my case pyserial and install it. This picked up the dependencies that were not collected by the tar.

So, maybe whl is another option along the lines of baxeico python -m pip install pyserial The now longs works as of -- HTTP access has been completely cut off. Show 5 more comments. TLDR: pip install --trusted-host pypi. Nitesh chauhan Nitesh chauhan 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. The answers to use pip install --trusted-host pypi. Thiago Falcao Thiago Falcao 3, 34 34 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. First of all, pip install --trusted-host pypi.

What eventually worked for me was: pip install --trusted-host pypi. Pat B. Only your answer worked for me. Any idea how to specify the trusted host configuration in VS Code?

This worked for me as well. While it might seem like a bad idea in the first place to downgrade to an older version of pip, I was dealing with old django packages so the old pip version was actually matching with the other packages. Issue is now closed. Dan Austin Dan Austin 79 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. ColdCold ColdCold 3, 2 2 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges.

The primary advantage of the mintty window is that you can copy and paste just like under Unix highlight with left mouse button, paste with middle mouse button. This capability uses the Windows clipboard, so you can copy text in a Windows program Ctrl-C and paste with the mouse in the mintty window, or highlight in the mintty window and paste in a Windows program with Ctrl-V.

Another advantage is that you can resize the mintty window horizontally as well as vertically. Cygwin installation will work best if you are logged in as a user with Administrative privileges.

Use our Cygwin installer for a fresh installation of Cygwin. It performs all the steps described below. Simply click on it; it will unpack itself and launch the Cygwin setup program as well as show a page with some instructions. Note the following points:. In order to run Etomo, you also need to have Java installed. Again, see 1. You can use our simpler Cygwin package instead to install Cygwin, but then you would have to do all the steps described below yourself.

You can also use this package to upgrade a previous Cygwin installation. The rest of this section has steps for installing or upgrading Cygwin from this package:.

After installation you will get an icon that will start up a shell under bash. The CygwinMaster folder contains two shortcuts and a configuration file that make it easy to use mintty. To use mintty:. Occasionally you will get an annoying warning in a terminal window starting with cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected. Press "New" in the "User variables" or "System variables" section. If you want to customize your Cygwin installation instead of using our package, go to www.

In addition to the default installation, it is essential that you select python from the Python category. Old versions of IMOD are automatically deleted. If you need something besides this behavior, you can still run a self-installing package e. To use the installer, just click on it. If you then get a message from User Account Control asking if you want this app to make changes to your device, press Yes. When the installer finally starts, press buttons to confirm each step.

There are no choices to make. The rest of this section describes other ways of installing IMOD. If you run a self-installing package at the command line instead with filename ending in. It will not work by clicking on it, only by executing it from the command line. To install or upgrade IMOD this way, start a Cygwin terminal window, change to the directory where the package is located, and enter, e.

After installation at the command line, everything can be run from a Cygwin window. In order to run from a Command Prompt window or to run Etomo by clicking on a shortcut to etomo.

The IMOD installer relies on the registry entries made by Windows Python packages from the Python download site to find Python, so a package from there is probably needed to use the installer.

Some packages are provided here: bit Python 2. Unless you know or anticipate that other software will need Python 2. If you need to use a Python package other than the ones here, get a matching version of psutil from the psutil site ; use the Download link to get to the various versions. For older Python, click on the downloaded Python file to install it; it installs without using "Run as Administrator".

For Python 3. Check the option to add Python to the PATH if one is present, and you might as well let it disable the path length limit if that is offered. If you customize the installation to leave out unneeded components e. Next install psutil. For older version such as those for Python 2. Newer versions, like the one for Python 3.

Open a Command Prompt window as Administrator by right clicking on its icon and selecting "Run as Administrator". One way to run it is to open the Start menu and type "cmd"; Windows should offer Command Prompt as the best match and you can right-click on that.

Then cd to the location of the psutil file e. Finally enter, for example, pip install psutil You can ignore the warning that a newer version of pip is available unless you plan to install more packages. When the installer finally starts, press buttons to confirm each step; there are no options. If you want to use a better terminal window than the Command Prompt window, try getting the Console program from sourceforge.

This program allows window resizing, font and color control, easy cutting and pasting with mouse buttons, and multiple tabs. Unzip the package wherever you want to; it will create a directory "Console2" with Console. This configuration file has some good initial settings. There is no man command for viewing program manual pages, but imodhelp programName will open Qt Assistant to the manual page for the given program. The program name can even be abbreviated.

Without Cygwin, environment variables can be set only through a Windows dialog that can be opened by various means, all described in the section above, To define an environment variable in Windows. If you want to upgrade to a beta version after you have installed IMOD from one of the executable installer packages, you should find and use an executable installer on the beta download site.

Open a Command Prompt window by right-clicking on a shortcut and selecting "Run as Administrator". The many programs that use OpenMP to access multiple cores will only be able to use one core, and there is no access to hardware acceleration of model displays or to the GPU for computing.

Nevertheless, if you wish to use IMOD under this environment, here are the things to know:. Parallel processing is done in IMOD by dividing a job into multiple parts and using Processchunks to execute the chunks on multiple processors. This module assumes that you've installed Django into a virtual environment, and we'll show you how below.

In order to use Django you will have to install Python on your operating system. This section briefly explains how you can check what versions of Python are present, and install new versions as needed, for Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu Linux You can confirm this by running the following command in the bash terminal:.

However, the Python Package Index tool pip3 you'll need to install packages for Python 3 including Django is not available by default.

You can install pip3 in the bash terminal using:. You can confirm this by running the following commands in the zsh or bash terminal:. You can easily install Python 3 along with the pip3 tool from python. Note: The version offered may be different. Ensure that the version you download is supported by Django if needed, links for getting older versions can be found on the same page.

You can now confirm successful installation by checking for the Python 3 version as shown below:. Windows doesn't include Python by default, but you can easily install it along with the pip3 tool from python. You can then verify that Python 3 was installed by entering the following text into the command prompt:. The Windows installer incorporates pip3 the Python package manager by default. You can list installed packages as shown:.

Note: The installer should set up everything you need for the above command to work. If however you get a message that Python cannot be found, you may have forgotten to add it to your system path.

You can do this by running the installer again, selecting "Modify", and checking the box labeled "Add Python to environment variables" on the second page. The libraries we'll use for creating our virtual environments are virtualenvwrapper Linux and macOS and virtualenvwrapper-win Windows , which in turn both use the virtualenv tool. The wrapper tools creates a consistent interface for managing interfaces on all platforms.

After installing Python and pip you can install virtualenvwrapper which includes virtualenv. The official installation guide can be found here , or follow the instructions below. Then add the following lines to the end of your shell startup file this is a hidden file name. These set the location where the virtual environments should live, the location of your development project directories, and the location of the script installed with this package:.

If the virtualenv doesn't work when you test it, one thing to check is that Python and the script are in the expected location and then change the startup file appropriately.

You can find the correct locations for your system using the commands which virtualenvwrapper. Now you can create a new virtual environment with the mkvirtualenv command.


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