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Long story short, we are going to use external redundancy for a 2 node RAC. Shutdown both nodes and perform the following disk operations on one of the nodes on virtual server gui. The disks should now be visible and have the correct ownership using the following command.

Skip to content Menu Close Oracle Database Oracle Enterprise Linux 6. IN NS dns. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. It's strongly recommended to switch off the mode command 'c' and change display units to sectors command 'u'.

Calling ioctl to re-read partition table. Syncing disks. Posted in Installation , RAC. Next Next post: b6usrg82hwsa3: Post Related Posts. The one thing I really like about Macs is its ability to distribute software on disk images.

Most software is actually distributed in downloadable disk images and run or installed right from the image. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution, allowing you to do manipulate and use your ISO and disc image files as you need.

It also allows you to create a DAA Direct-Access-Archive file, an advanced image file, which supports compression, password protection, and splitting the image to multiple volumes, if needed. Pros: Mount, create, and edit Windows compatible disc images. Conclusion: PowerISO is a great application and gives you abilities and features that you wish would have been built into Windows by default.

With the inclusion of PowerISO as part of your computer system, regardless of whether you actually have a built in optical drive on a netbook, or ultrabook PC for example , you can access disc images that either you've created from physical media or have downloaded to your machine. All OSes. All licences. Software Free Download Soft You can skip this in seconds Click here to continue. PowerISO 5. Do not worry about it too much. If you miss to install a few of the required packages for Oracle installation or otherwise, we can always install it at a later time after the VM is up and running using YUM installer.

Once the VM reboots, we need to continue with the rest of configuration tasks before we can use the system. Next, you will be presented with the option to register your system with the unbreakable Linux network.

I have chosen not to register at this time. In the next screen, we have an option to enable kernel dump which could be helpful in analyzing system crash etc. I have chosen not to enable it at this time. Note that you can always enable it at a later time of need be. We can ignore this for now and close the dialogue box. If you wish, you can play around a bit, or cleanly shutdown the machine until we are ready to install Oracle. If you choose to shut down your machine, follow the next few screens to do so.

There we are. In the next blog, we will see how we can install Oracle 12c database on our new VM. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content When I blogged for the first time in July of , my intention was to blog at least once a month. Click on New and fill out the details.

Note that you change the name at a later time too. Click on Create. This should return you back to the main Virtual Box window. Click OK to save the changes. Press enter after choosing Install or Upgrade an existing system. Skip the media test. Click Next Choose the languages you want to install. Choose the appropriate keyboard based on the languages you chose. Choose as below and click next.

Next, we will pick a name for our Linux host. Choose Basic Server, and make sure you select Customize Now.


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