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Until then the standalone macos app transmits just fine and Live sees the virtual midi ports. I have already captured some great midi streams this way, into clips. The Wotja app also allows for external midi clock from Live, for example , keeping it all in time. Like I said This software can be used at any level you like, from just playing the pesets to digging deep into the internal synth engine and the hundreds of other parameters.

If you like Ambient music or are a fan of Brian Eno's instrumenta works then I think you will like Wotja very much. The results are incredible! On one level it works in a meditative and mindfulness music tool.

I fall asleep listening to a ramdom preset and find it improves focus when working at my computer. Wotja is my favourite music creation software by a good margin.

There is also a free demo version. Sincere thanks to Intermorphic. I recently remembered I had Native Instruments' Reaktor on this old Mac and that finally, started me down this path for 'backgrounds' that I could then improvise over with my modular synth, Wotja though? I just purchased it last night, for all Apples. The amount of everything that I would like to have in a self-generative software package?

Thank you greatly for your decades of work, Intermorphic Ltd! I have finally found a package, answering my needs!

The customer service has been excellent too. Overall an excellent app, well worth investing in the pro version. To the dev team; kudos!!! I send midi in AUM to all my other synths and create sonic sanctuaries in no time!

I will make a new song just for my evening yoga and then just delete it! Feels great! Highly highly recommend. For those that only want to listen to music, you have almost unlimited generative music listening bliss with just the tweaking of some randomization settings!

For musicians of any ability you can find plenty to keep you creating. Either keep it easy, and use the basic settings, or go all the way down the rabbit hole to challenge yourself for the rest of your career with just this app. Grab a few patches, slide some sliders, and listen 4ever. Can't wait to hook my hardware up to it. And at the same time, there are a lot of settings and functionality to customize the composition and its random rendering as you want.

I definitely recommend it! A deep rabbithole of possibilities, with dedicated and responsive developers. Essential for producers and listeners of ambient music. There is a learning curve, but the software is amazing and you will spend hours experimenting with this. Now some 25 years later Intermorphic delivers yet another esoteric magic music tool.

I still find the manuals etc a little impenetrable but that might just be me. Anyway, just hit random and you're guaranteed some great results if you're into ambient music.

Well done and thanks! It's been developed over a long period from a number of earlier products and this has clearly helped it build on the knowledge gleaned from those products. The developers two brothers are very responsive to questions and suggestions some of my suggestions really have been picked up by the team and implemented in the next version! Very good! This app is so deep, flexible and the best documentation I've ever seen. I believe it is under priced for how flexible it is so I got the Android version as well for on the go.

Going to be using this is my college degree research on generative music. Thanks Guys:D". Super variety of flows. Not to mention the sheer fun of just playing with app. It's also excellent for chillout and beats, in fact, I think it could be helpful with making any genre of music.

Worth the small price just to play the ever evolving example files. Please note, I have absolutely no connection with Intermorphic. Also all sound has stopped working, even though the music, effects sound settings are on, as well as the phone volume.

Even the opening scene now plays on mute. Way too randomized Apr 14, By art I enjoyed the game because of the management, challenging decisions, and breadth of content.

Sep 10, By Colin Witt. Not great. You can't look around the map, so pathing your way to objectives on the outer parts of the galaxy, where stars are spread out, is impossible. By Sankeyes. Truly fun game until you run into impossible-to-win scenarios. The alien races erase your technology to travel and make it impossible to go anywhere! It's horribly annoying to have to give up when you've been on a certain game for over an hour.

Also, after finding abandoned ships, you can't even learn the technology onboard or when you switch ships, you can't even learn the technology of the new ship you're using!! That is counterintuitive to me. Lastly, you can't even play your own music to this app. Please make some improvements. This game has potential, and c'mon, I paid a whole dollar for this.

Discouragingly difficult for no reason Aug 27, By Echo Finding a lot of fuel? Well, time for a random encounter where half of it disappears and destroys your telescope. Alas, I cannot. Top apps for Strategy Games. In App Purchases. Nov 4, By George Conner. I'm a Civilization player since inception, and was happy to find this game in the app store.

Love the NO pay to play feature! I really like that the game is short. I don't own the board game, so I've still have a lot to learn before I turn pro, lol!

If I could have scored a 6, I certainly would have! Great implementation of this outstanding boardgame Sep 17, By mordhai. This takes away all the fiddly accounting of the boardgame and adds a much improved visual representation of your civilization as well as a very intuitive interface.

Pleasantly surprised by how well the developers have managed to transfer such a rich and complex game to an iOS platform. This is going to become a top game for me, as I am already loving it. For those of you who enjoy the original boardgame, you will not be disappointed by this version. In fact you will probably think it's an improvement.

For those new to the game, the tutorial and reminders throughout the game make it very approachable and allows you to feel immersed in the game without feeling overwhelmed.

Be warned, however, that this is a subtle and complex game so be prepared to feel challenged! Excellent adaptation Feb 28, By Father miles.

Through the Ages board game is a ton of fun, but it also has a lot of rules and a lot of triggers you can forget. The app does a truly excellent job smoothing this over.

The tutorial is excellent at teaching you the game, and has a nice personal tone to keep the tutorial engaging. While playing, you can undo all the way back to the last-revealed piece of information pretty much a whole turn.

When taking actions, a dialog pops up that lets you choose how to take that action e. Everything is just very smooth. One of my favorite board games Sep 27, By Herr Hitler.

I was thrilled to find there is an app for this game. The price tag made me hesitate for a moment, but I could not ask for anything better. If, such as is my case, you don't know anybody with the patience for an hours-long game, then this is for you. If you enjoy Through The Ages, then it is definitely worth it! I was very pleased with the new dimensions added by the leaders and wonders, and they make you rethink a go-to strategy, or even take a course you normally would not have taken with just the base cards.

I switched to using the digital rules and they are very minor changes but make online games a breeze. I am looking forward to the physical release of the expansion! Excellent tutorial, great combo of luck and strategy Apr 19, By Haunt Dude.

You can pick it up at any time to continue playing against AI players, then put it down instantly whenever your elevator arrives or whatever, to continue later.

There are no additional abilities or DLCs to purchase later - you get the whole game for the original purchase price that is well worth it. The tutorial is outstanding and a lot of fun. This is one of the best of the best of the Euro games that have come to the fore in the last 15 years. A beautifully balanced and entertaining game that incorporates the best concepts of modern board games - worker placement, strategy, random elements, extremely high replayability, created by a master board game designer.

I highly recommend it! Feb 18, By Imphat. Well, people have to understand that this game has been around for a while and holds one of the highest complexity rates on he top board games ever created. Even if you are used to gaming, TTA has a lot of depth in it and it takes more than a few plays to get used to its mechanics. This is not a game you will win on your first or second match. I still occasionally lose as well. This app is very well designed. I can play even on the tiny iPhone screen and keep track of all my stuff and everything the opponents are doing.

It runs on my old iPad 2!! To sum up, this app changed my mind about this game. Now, after so many plays I am able to realize how well designed TTA is and why it does deserve to be on the top board games of all time. By mjacobsca. This game is a near-perfect implementation of the board game, and just as fun. The AI plays an extremely strong game considering how complex the game is.

I love the challenge. Speaking of which, I haven't attempted any of the "challenge" modes in the game. I'm having too much fun trying to beat the AI. Also, I love the async rules for online play.

They speed up what would otherwise be a tedious experience. Note to readers: the online async rules are optional. The only thing that would make this game better is expansion leaders and wonders. Please release them ASAP!!!! I'm kind of tired of Michaelangelo. Oh, and feedback about the game in general.

I feel like early Aggressions are almost non-existent in this edition of the game. I don't think the card discard penalty is strong enough to make players think twice about defending. In the old edition, you had to sacrifice soldiers to defend, which was far more difficult a decision. I understand why the change was made, but it's almost too easy to defend when you are points back now.

Suggestion: If you choose to discard a card to defend, perhaps each card costs you one military action the following round? That would be a much tougher decision for me, and would increase aggressions without forcing unit sacrifices. Keep up the great work! App as game assistant Feb 14, The app controls the card row, the event deck and colony bidding. Everything we do on the tabletop we mirror on the app. The app is set up to play we two online. The app shows all resources and statistics in real time.

We have no disputes as the app is the rule keeper and keeps us from losing track and allows us to try actions and subsequently back out as needed. The log allows us to never forget what we did and allows us to easily correct errors in tabletop play. The app is very well done and very easy to use. The graphics and UI are very well designed. Fixed Keeps crashing in challenge mode Apr 26, By sumgrl Edited - The developers got back to me and suggested that my iPad might be older and if I click the option for reduced graphics it might help.

I love this game. It is super fun and addictive. It would be 5 stars except for when I try to play the challenges the app keeps crashing. Usually once it starts it will keep happening over and over and it takes a long time to be able to finish the game. What is weird is it lets you play more than half the game before it crashes the first time. Jul 27, By Shannon Stewart. Challenging and fun! Way better than the mindless phone games I usually see.

Also a great way to quickly learn the tabletop version! No reviews available See all negative reviews. Jun 9, By Douglas Schuette. I have played a lot of board game mobile apps, and this honestly is the best-designed one I have come across.

It is not buggy, the turn sequencing is excellent and clear and informative, and the game itself has been incredibly balanced with the new expansions and updated card text. Definitely worth the money! Great game, small bugs Oct 29, By Shags What a great game!

The first one was that the online play did not work through my wireless, but it works fine if I switch to LTE. I believed this must be specific to my router configuration.

The second was a hard game crash during local play. I am a big fan Aug 2, By Subscribe to this podcast now. I loved the board game and I think the app is a great adaptation. Works on both iPhone and my IPad. No complaints at all, if you are used to friendly games where no one uses military you might be in for a surprise, but after a few games you figure out you better keep up especially in the last age.

Basically if the other players are not trying to add culture even by age 2 its clear they are waiting for Napoleon. So if I had a complaint it would be that. However you can find a few friends that all agree not to be obnoxious. Just like anywhere else on the internet. I found that the first few games I would lose track of certain things that happened previously. But after a while got used to not seeing the score or so the other players screens on a table in front of me.

I say get the game and enjoy. By Ian Fleschler. Through The Ages seems very involved but once you start playing it becomes very intuitive and the tutorial from the app is great to learn.

The challenges makes the game have huge replayability since they offer very different experiences. The AI is greatly done. Hard AI is hard!!! The interface of the app makes it very smooth to play and it's easy to check both my statistics and the statistics of my opponents to make decisions on my turn.

The game and the app are great. I also love the expansion. Poor bit Optimization Nov 4, Unfortunately, the game was poorly optimized for bit devices iPad 4 and lower ; it constantly crashes. Otherwise, dive in without reservation! No reviews available See all 4 reviews. No reviews available See all 2 reviews. No reviews available See all 1 reviews. Similar to Through the Ages. Top apps for Board Games.

A fun point-and-click puzzle adventure game, find clues and solve puzzles! Fun adventure May 14, By Ellie-Harv. The puzzles are not too hard although I had to look at the walk through for some of them. The graphics are pretty which made the adventure more fun. There are a lot of rooms or places to unlock. I got a lot of game for little cost. Jun 17, By Gail Kronick. This game is now on par with the other excellent games by this developer.

Great job! Great game, but I took a star away because this one is very short and a bit too easy compared to the other games by this company. Unexpected great update! By kn2. I liked it enough to buy all of their games.

They are truly beautiful and got more complex with each successive release. Much to my surprise the new owners really expanded the game. The graphics are as beautiful as ever and it was so much more challenging than the original. These are the best - graphics are amazing, game play is challenging but not daunting. It is a first for me to get a fun surprise like this. Keep making these beautiful, entertaining games. Best Game, Ever!! Aug 26, By Musique'. This is such an EXcellent game!!

YOU can be, too The lost ship Mar 5, By capt JLP. The game was well thought through with many challenges. A walk through help get through the rough spots and allow the player to get past any rough spots and continue through the game without to much frustration. It was my second game with this publisher and the more I understand the style the more fun the game becomes. It was enjoyable and entertaining with some different twists and puzzles. Great graphics and a pleasure to play. As the media industry looks to be more inclusive of Black storytellers and grow their brand awareness with Black audiences, a deeper understanding of the community is increasingly critical.

The future of sports entertainment is data-informed. To the watch lo. Microsoft is making its play for the new shape of classrooms with a pared-down version of Windows 11 and a set of inexpensive laptops from the Surface brand and several other manufacturers. The ocean is vast and mysterious … but rather less so when you have thousands of little autonomous buoys reporting back interesting info to you every day.

By Shebeb idnidnodnisnosb. First of all, I just wanna say that Smule is the best singing karaoke app in the AppStore. The only flaws I really have is some bugs and no logout feature. I sometimes help my friends when they go on hiatus, so I need to log into their account right? The only way I can do that is to delete the app and relogin, which is a real pain. Also in the vip customize your own profile which I have for the color choices, you should be able to put your own color.

So the main things I really want Smule to add is logout feature and choose your own color for vip customization option. By Somi Li. It's okay but only really fun if you have vip, the options for people who don't have it is so low it makes it boring, there should be more options for someone who doesn't want to spend money.

Also recently the app has messed up how many recordings I have and has changed it to a much larger amount even if the recordings stay the same. This whole thing about not being able to make over recordings without vip is dumb, it just makes people want to use the app less. Nov 16, By R Squared. I like the app and the ability to go live. However I don't know if this problem is just for me, but when I'm live it doesn't let me play most songs and I've talked with other people and when I'm not there it lets them so i hope you change this.

Apr 29, I use it on and off, but when I do use it it is very easy to sing songs and record them and all that technical jazz. A lot of people are now relying on wireless, bluetooth-enabled technology to get through their days. I think it would be awesome to include support for bluetooth microphones! I have wireless, bluetooth earbuds, and when I want to sing a song I am unable to do so without annoying feedback. I have no idea how all that technological stuff works, but I would certainly enjoy this addition to the app.

I also remember when you could earn coins to unlock solo songs, and think maybe that would be nice to add back maybe just for certain songs. By KawaiiJellyJelly. I think this app is amazing. I am able to upload any song I want into the songbook for free and I can sing it anytime I want. I think that feature is amazing. The app itself is great. One thing that is an issue though, is that there is not a log out option.

You have to delete the app and then reinstall and log in. I feel this is very inconvenient for people who have more than one account. Thank you for your time. I love this app but unfortunately Oct 10, By SoulSurferBlack. The VIP purchase got highly out of line I still have it but I hardly ever use it now because of it. You probably need it for whatever kinda of reasons but And even though I love the app So this is my result more.

Oct 23, By Will Cook. Even as VIP, I get tons of ads to sing with celebrities I don't care about or ads for other apps made by the same company. A recent update made it so users can join your old recordings, which is great in concept..

This app just keeps getting more esoteric the longer I use it, I really don't understand the design philosophy at all.. By Philamina Look at who is supposedly following you. There are a TON of people that will follow you and then almost immediately unfollow you. So you follow them to be nice and never notice they quit following you. Hate that you have to go with whatever style the invitee chose now. Watch out for sleazy dudes looking to pick up on you if your a female. They will follow you and then start pm-ing you.

Just listen to us for once! Oct 16, By Hannah M. I'm years-old and have been using Smule since I was years-old. I remember the days when Smule was called Sing! Karaoke and non-VIP members could watch videos and earn credits to open songs. Since then, things have changed quite a bit, and the changes were originally pretty good and were executed pretty well.

I used to be excited when the app would come out with a new update. For the past 3 pr 4 years every update that you guys have put out has been garbage. You continuously supply us with things we didn't ask for and ignore our complaints. There are very simple things that we want: 1 A logout button or way to change between multiple accounts without having to delete and redownload the app.

You claim that you "hear us", but it's obvious that you don't because we still haven't received anything that we've asked for.

There has been outrage over your latest update and I know a multitude of people who are planning to move on to another platform, so I suggest you process this review carefully because everything I listed is not only what I want, but it's what a large majority of the Smule Community have been fighting for for years now.

By Cita Malott. When ever I check it.. Nov 6, By Kitty Tonic. I use to love this app so much, but now all these new updates made the app trash.

I can't even hear my own voice clearly it sounds muffled or my voice is really slow and I can hear double and the voice filters is not as easy as it use to be. I'm so disappointed with Smule. Sing along to millions of songs with music and lyrics. Community Karaoke By Yokee is an excellent apps for those users who want to enjoy their life with karaoke in their life.

Community If you have friends that are going through a rough patch in life and need cheering up - organize a karaoke night at your home! Community There are few game night favorites more loved than karaoke. Still, if you're doing this in a family setting with kids aged 4 and 7, you might want to curate the music a bit and avoid some raunchy themes.

Loaded with s of family-friendly songs, this app practically guarantees fun for everyone. Community Teaching children how to sing should be as easy as having the right tools on your phone. You can find unlimited songs in one place and enjoy fun karaoke sessions with your kids' favorites. By Dragon Reaper It's fun singing to songs and recording your voice when u finish sing or joke around with your own weird vocal makes it more fun to listen and enjoy it.

Jul 24, By Patrick O'Donovan. Many songs to choose from, and the bank of songs grows daily. The lyrics and music are syncopated effectively. Mar 28, By afblues In addition to the very complete selection of music from most major English speaking genres and even some foreign ones too! When a particular song had a playback error I noted, the company replied rapidly and kindly with a fix action. Five stars from me. This is the best karaoke app i have used so far May 21, By Ahmed Yaanis.

Gaaiz if you are looking for an application which can put the track and also record your singing this is your option.. The developers you have done an outstanding job making such an awesome app which we can use.. In near future i hope you gaaiz create an app which we can listen to music like iTunes.. Oct 20, By Leann Hughes. I love this sooo much it's easy to find so many songs and just sing until you feel comfortable with singing around people or just stinging in general I recommend it if you are scared to talk in front of people or sing in front of people it's just a good app I recommend it five out of five more.

I like it but there is a major problem Feb 15, By Moonlight Diamond. I chose this one, but it has a few issues. Also it will let you save the song but you need to download an app.

And that deal only works once. That would be a waste of space. And if I had downloaded all the apps, then the whole deal would be done. By Kid S. I know I'm not a bad singer! Jun 21, By Strawberri Plays. The songs r ok not too many need vip acces. But after you sing somthing it don't let u save it or post it just shows a screen for vip and when u click back it on tje same pg. Prob don't make sense anyways don't recomend. Sep 6, By James King.

Nope this one doesnt work either.. That sucks.. Just keeps saying "Playback error " oh well back to Smule We go where things actually work. May 30, By Beep Bop. Very bad app. It refused to open, and when it did, I picked a song, did whatever, and it'd close before I could even sing. Not sure if this if just the device I'm on or a bug. Very annoying. Might have rated higher if it actually opened and worked.

Please know that I don't recommend this app for anyone. Sep 19, By Kerry Mims. I love it it helped me sing so much that everyone loved it and I just I just can't say another thing because it just helps me and I really love it cuz I really do want to be a singer when I grow up and I'm a really really really really good singer and I'm saying a song to my friends and they loved it so that gave me a think that I was like maybe I should download this carrier karaoke songs and I love it so now I'm going to tell them and be like hey guys I was downloaded this karaoke song and it more.

Aug 26, By Rickey Bobby. For me it's about timing,and it let's u find the spot. One thing all singing apps should have,I would like to see some more Outlaw county tho.. Good Game Mar 18, By Ra Nae.


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